We live in a time where it seems like the connection to our inner knowing is more important than ever. The upheavals of the past few months serve as a reminder that we who hold on to that inner calm are needed now more than ever.

I went to an art show near where I live recently, the subject of which was preserving dark skies. Light pollution is a really serious issue for our planet and every species on it, yet few of us stop a minute to contemplate what this means. I think it hit me the hardest when I was standing in front of a painting showing migrating birds unable to find their way because of city lights. Somehow, all of the events over the past couple months, the chaos, the uncertainty, it all came down to those birds trying to find a safe haven and being unable to find their way home. Here we are engaged in this world stage human confusion, and never once is anyone stopping to think- what are our actions doing to the creatures. The planet. Those among us who don’t have a voice.

I went home and did a quick pull, and I got the Tower and The Hierophant.

This is powerful- that world falling down of the tower, and the authority of the Hierophant. There are always many aspects and interpretations, but I feel that we need to meet those messages with the calmness of The Star, with the patience of Temperance.

Drawing the Tower in a reading can feel like the entire world is about to turn upside down and inside out. And the Hierophant with it?

All people have intuitive knowledge. We all can access the Tarot, or other tools available to us, to tap into that knowledge and work to develop our inner knowing. But the powers that be don’t want us to have that intuition. Why? Because we are easier to control when we don’t trust our inner guidance. To me, this quick pull felt very much like those authorities bringing down our world.

But I know that there is a deeper wisdom. I’m here to tell you that you can trust your inner guidance.

I’ve tried to simply keep my corner of the world in order, and help those who need it find the clarity they need in times of upheaval. Today, I needed to be my own guide in this feeling of the world crashing down. So I pulled two more cards. The Star, and Temperance.


These are cards of duality: one foot in the water, one on land. Of water. Water of life, of peace, of calm. The universe is old and we can dig within ourselves to find the essential message: as essential as water, and starlight.

A guide to what you already know

I believe that the best Tarot readings are the ones that help us unleash that still small voice. My happiest moment is when I can help others find that for themselves. I believe in Tarot as a guide to help us find our way back to ourselves and our connections with others. And I believe very strongly in that mission. .

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