People often come to a Tarot reader in a crisis. Hopefully, we readers can change that narrative, but, in my experience anyhow, many people come along who are dealing with a thing, and they want an answer.

I try my best to get you out of that “waiting for an answer” place and back into the driver’s seat.

Let’s take an example situation so you see what I mean. Let’s take this question and figure out how to reframe it:

“When am I going to meet my husband?”

If you think about that question, it’s keeping the querent in the victim place. 🙂 We’re hanging around waiting for some guy to show up. This could take a while. We’re also beholden to whenever it is he’s going to show up. Or, trying to predict it. This, my friends, is like watching your phone all day.

But what if we flip the question?

With kindness, humor, respect, and love, I encourage a reversal of that waiting game. Let’s reframe the question.

What do I need to know about attracting the partner I really want and need?

Now THIS question puts us in the driver’s seat. Now we’re being proactive. I did a reading for someone like this a few days ago, and right away we pulled the Queen of Wands. Holy Manifestation! This Queen is ALLLLL about owning one’s Lady POWAH. You are now standing in your power, ruling your empire. And this Queen is going to have suitors galore. Next we had all kinds of Kings showing up in the reading. It was super fun. And super fun for the client to see how to turn that dialogue around from Oh Gee to Dude look at me.

We do get clues sometimes about when things are going to happen, or how many things. There are lots of aspects of these cards that are very powerful, from numerology to astrology, to ancient symbols from pre-Christianity. But in the end, it begins and ends with our own life journey, and we are the ones taking the steps down the path of happy destiny. Life, after all, is a matter of free will and choice. Sometimes, it’s the cards you are dealt and how the deck is played in this life, true, but we always have the power to chose our playgrounds and our playmates. We have the power to be the true light and manifestation of intention that was meant for us.

But isn’t Tarot occult, or witchcraft?

Well- no! Tarot is a reflection of the journey of life, and the stages of life we find ourselves in as we read the cards. Tarot is a way to open up the intuitive knowledge we all inherently possess. In past times, millions of people have died simply for possessing and practicing deep healing practices such as herbalism, midwifery, and intuitive guidance. For doing what we all have the capability to do. We are currently in a time where people are finding themselves being persecuted for being “different,” where careers are ending because they are no longer “relevant,” where species are at risk because they are not a “priority.” The inner knowledge of intuition is a magic that is revolutionary in its quiet holding of truths. The caring for each other and ability to live sustainably is the magic of flow, of sacred water, of peace. This is the alignment with nature and the universe that affirms who we already know ourselves to be. And this, my friends, is threatening to those who would hold power over us rather than celebrate diversity and co-creation. I believe very strongly in protecting this magic, the magic that is nothing but peace and harmony, and that we all possess.

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